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China's core is China's prosperity

Chips are strong in industry, chips are prosperous in economy. Without chips, there will be no security.
As the "crown pearl" of high-end manufacturing industry, chip is the integrated circuit, which is one of the important symbols to measure the comprehensive strength of a country and the core of information industry. In the past, China's high-end integrated circuit equipment and materials were basically in a blank state, totally dependent on imports. Today, more than 20,000 scientists and technicians have successfully built an innovative system of integrated circuit manufacturing industry after nine years of tackling key problems, leading and supporting the rapid rise of China's integrated circuit industry, and radiation has led the world's leading LED and photovoltaic industries.
On May 23, the Ministry of Science and Technology, together with the Beijing and Shanghai Municipal People's Governments, organized a conference on the achievements of the National Major Science and Technology Project "Major Scale Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Equipment and Complete Processes" (hereinafter referred to as the "Integrated Circuit Special Project"), announcing that the phased goal of the National Major Science and Technology Project to create an innovative system for integrated circuit manufacturing has been
Mainstream technology level has been upgraded by 5 generations, and high-end equipment and materials have emerged from scratch.
Chen Chuanhong, Director of the Major Special Office of the Ministry of Science and Technology, introduced that integrated circuit chips are the cornerstone of the information age, and integrated circuit manufacturing technology represents the highest level of micro-fabrication in the world today. Professor Ye Tianchun likens integrated circuits to "grain" of modern industry. Integrated circuits are indispensable to various electronic products and systems such as mobile phones, computers, household appliances, automobiles, high-speed rail, industrial control and so on. Without the support of integrated circuit industry, the information society will lose its foundation.
In the introduction of advanced manufacturing equipment, materials and processes, China's integrated circuit industry has long been subject to various Western restrictions, and high-end chips mainly rely on imports. Since 2006, China's integrated circuit products have surpassed petroleum as the largest import product, and the annual import volume has exceeded 200 billion US dollars since 2013.
In order to achieve independent innovation and development, in 2008 the State Council approved the implementation of integrated circuit projects, focusing on independent innovation of equipment, technology and materials. Chen Chuanhong introduced that the special project was organized and implemented by the Beijing and Shanghai Municipal People's Governments. More than 200 enterprises and institutions and more than 20,000 scientific workers participated in technological research, focusing on six industrial agglomeration zones, including Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shenyang, Shenzhen and Wuhan.
"After nine years of research, our country has successfully developed more than 30 kinds of high-end equipment, such as 14 nanometer etcher, thin film deposition, and hundreds of materials such as targets, polishing fluids, and so on. The performance has reached the international advanced level." Ye Tianchun introduced that these products have been applied in batches and exported overseas through the strict examination of large production lines, thus achieving a breakthrough from scratch, filling the gap in the industrial chain, and establishing and improving the technology system and industrial ecology of integrated circuit manufacturing in China.
Before the special implementation, the most advanced mass production process of IC manufacturing in China was 130 nanometers and the research and development process was 90 nanometers. Over the past nine years, China's mainstream technology level has been upgraded by five generations. The three generations of 55, 40 and 28 nanometer technology have been successfully developed and mass-produced. The research and development of 22 and 14 nanometer pilot technology has made breakthroughs and formed independent intellectual property rights. Packaging enterprises have also moved from low-end to high-end, and three-dimensional high-density integration technology has reached the international advanced level. The smart phone, communication equipment, smart card and other chip products manufactured by these technologies have entered the market in large quantities, which has improved the competitiveness of China's information industry.
Forming an Independent Intellectual Property Rights System to Support Enterprises to Participate in International Competition
Lack of independent intellectual property rights has always been a bottleneck restricting the independent innovation and development of integrated circuit enterprises in China. Ye Tianchun said that the cultivation of independent intellectual property rights system is the top priority in the implementation of major scientific and technological special organizations. The patent-oriented R&D strategy has been put forward specially. Over the past nine years, more than 23,000 domestic invention patents and more than 2000 international invention patents have been applied for. The intellectual property system formed has greatly changed the strength and status of domestic enterprises in international competition. The development mode has also changed from "introducing, absorbing and re-innovating" to "independent R&D plus International cooperation". New model.
China's integrated circuit industry has developed vigorously in recent years. Major projects have played a significant role in innovation and technological support. Fu Guoqing, chief engineer of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, said that integrated circuit equipment is not only the core supporting technology of information industry, but also the leading high-end technology of manufacturing industry, and is the cross strategic commanding point of the two industries. Integrated circuit equipment has high technical requirements for supporting industries. Its development promotes the level of precision processing ability, surface treatment ability, basic materials, basic technology, basic parts and components, and promotes the development of China's manufacturing industry to high-end.
It is understood that, using the core technology acquired by the special project, radiation has been applied to the field of pan-semiconductor manufacturing such as LED, sensor, photovoltaic, liquid crystal panel and so on, which greatly improves the localization rate of equipment in related fields in China. Domestic enterprises have developed a set of LED and photovoltaic manufacturing equipment with special high-end achievements, which has greatly increased the comprehensive competitiveness of pan-semiconductor industries such as LED and photovoltaic, significantly reduced investment costs, and achieved international leadership in industry scale and technology level.
Special layout of industrial planning to form market advantages
With the goal of cultivating truly available products and expanding and strengthening enterprises, the integrated circuit project has carried out institutional innovation of organization and implementation. Zhang Boxu, Director of Beijing Economic and Credit Commission, introduced that the evaluation system of "downstream assessment upstream, whole machine assessment components, application of assessment technology, market assessment products" ensured the practicability of scientific research results and achieved a large number of high-end products that could withstand market inspection.

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